Why The Executive Centre chooses Life Solutions?

The Executive Centre has been using sustainable hydration solutions across their centre network in Hong Kong since 2005, pioneered to create a more sustainable workspace without compromising on excellence. Listen why they choose Life Solutions to serve their members with great-tasting filtered water.

Providing workspace for the future

The Executive Centre (TEC), Asia’s leading premium flexible workspace provider, has revolutionized the corporate landscape since its inception in Hong Kong in 1994. With an impressive network of over 200 Centres spanning 34 cities across 15 markets, TEC has solidified its position as Asia’s third-largest serviced office business. TEC aims to provide a workspace and a dynamic environment that empowers ambitious professionals and industry leaders to achieve their goals and propel their organisations to new heights.

As the future of work evolves, transparency, flexibility, and sustainability will be driving the change. The Executive Centre remains at the forefront as we navigate the evolving landscape of the future of work. , providing the TEC Members with unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. In their ongoing operation policies, they also focus on reducing waste and promoting recycling programs, ensuring that sustainability is a core part of their daily activities. By integrating these practices into every aspect of TEC business, the state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and exceptional services enable the TEC Members to thrive in an ever-changing business environment.

What makes TEC drive the change to sustainability?

From the initial stages of site selection to the construction phase in our expansions, sustainability has been a core consideration for The Executive Centre. The TEC team has meticulously planned and designed the building with a steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility, ensuring that The Executive Centre serves as a beacon of planet-friendly commercial spaces. Their dedication to sustainability is reflected in the eco-friendly practices, such as energy-efficient infrastructure, and waste reduction initiatives. TEC has been striving to minimise their environmental footprint while creating inspiring workspaces that prioritise the well-being of their Members and the planet.

How can serviced offices benefit from sustainable hydration?

The Executive Centre - Billi

With our advanced filtration and water dispenser, like the Billi drinking tap system, TEC locations can offer guests unlimited access to freshly dispensed, great-tasting boiling and chilled water—all while eliminating single-use plastic bottles. This goes beyond just providing water; it represents a commitment to a transformative vision that balances exceptional experience and environmental responsibility. This initiative aligns perfectly with TEC’s commitment to corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship, taking significant steps towards the future of work.

Watch the video to see how our sustainable water solutions are transforming the way workspaces serve hydration, making a positive impact in one of Asia’s most dynamic environments.

Billi – Premium drinking water tap

Our solutions flexibly meet any specific needs of your business, regardless of its size or industry. Whether you run a large office, private office, flexible co-workspace, or a serviced office, we take time to understand your needs and requirements, then carefully select from full range of robust, high-capacity machines and cutting-edge technology that are perfect for your requirements, seamlessly creating a fusion of functionality and aesthetics in your office space. Discover more here.

The Next Generation of Boiling and Chilled Water Tap Technology

Designed with superior quality and convenience, Billi Commercial provides instant boiling and chilled water in its small unit size, leveraging cutting-edge water-cooling solutions to maximise energy efficiency. Our water dispenser taps incorporate thermodynamic heat-exchange technology for hydrating productivity, along with an inbuilt safety lock and leakage detection system that delivers clean, wholesome water for your consumption. If there is any leak, the water inlet will shut off to protect you from hot water spills.

Advantages of Boiling Chilled Water Taps

Enjoy instant access to filtered hot water, which is not only incredibly convenient but also safer than boiling water in a kettle. With a quick touch on the control panel, you get a full cup of fresh, chilled water flowing from the tap for delicious cool drinks and refreshments.

Additionally, Billi Commercial ensures a top-quality water supply to free up your refrigerator cluttered with bottled water. Modern, eco-friendly, and easy to maintain, our boiling and chilled water taps will provide a clean, aesthetic look to any commercial space and continue serving filtered water for years to come.

Enjoy Pure-tasting Water with Our Water Dispensers

With a strong track record of successful water solutions, Life Solutions leverages innovative technology and strict standards in filtered water dispensers and coolers, leading the way in performance and functionality. Our excellent customer support and maintenance services make us stand out in the water filtration industry, delivering instant pure-tasting boiling and chilled water to your business with premium water dispenser taps.


The Arcane Collective represents a small family of independent restaurants - Arcane, Cornerstone and Moxie; each distinct in its cuisine and personality, but aligned in principle.
自2014年起,香港機場管理局採用Life Solutions的濾水系統,於貨運站、辦公大樓等安裝逾百個過濾系統供員工使用,同時於香港國際機場客運大樓設置23個添水站予旅客使用,每年為超過七千萬名旅客提供純淨可靠的飲用水。





例如香港數碼港艾美酒店(Le Meridien  Hong Kong Cyberport)早在2022年全面翻新時,便已經以可持續發展方針為首要核心價值。酒店170間客房內均裝設被譽為全球最高認證UVC淨水器的 Waterlogic SlimTap濾水龍頭,以代替塑膠樽裝水,並且提供回收玻璃製成的玻璃杯和水瓶供住客隨時在房內斟水,換算下來一年可節省超過10萬個即棄膠樽。



雅格酒店(the Arca)在部分客房內裝設Waterlogic SlimTap濾水龍頭,並在樓層走廊上裝設座地式飲水機。

位於沙田的帝都酒店(Royal Park  Hotel )及荃灣的帝景酒店(Royal View  Hotel)亦在客房樓層的走廊上裝設座地式飲水機。


Life Solutions 您的過濾及供水系統專家

有別於一般服務供應商及外判商,Life Solutions擁有自家的技術團隊,迅速應對各項技術疑難,嚴格控制服務品質,全天候提供專業服務,包括系統安裝、測試及維修保養。不論規模大小,我們都細心觀察及聆聽客戶需求,度身訂造最合適的過濾方案。

我們明白每間酒店的營運需要及可持續發展目標不盡相同,因此可考慮選用Life Solutions酒店用水方案,交由專業顧問分析及設計,讓酒店無痛轉型,不用額外增加廢物管理及行政的負擔,助你更快達成減廢目標及可持續發展目標,提升綠色酒店的形象。

Life Solutions酒店飲水機方案產品均獲多個國際水質標準、節能標準等認證,配用多重過濾系統、逆滲透過濾技術、專利UVC消毒技術等,隔除重金屬、氯氣等污染物和殺滅細菌病毒,再加上全方位保養及換芯服務,零死角保障飲用水衛生純淨,確保水質安全。




  1. 星島申訴王|直擊酒店走塑 房間轉用玻璃樽水及濾水機 沐浴用品不再用小樽裝





RO 逆滲透,英文全名為Reverse Osmosis,是一種高效的水處理方式,利用滲透壓的原理僅允許水分子通過半薄膜,同時將污染物排除在外,從而實現純淨水。RO膜的孔徑非常小,只有0.0001微米,可以有效阻隔細菌、病毒、重金屬、農藥等有害物質,只讓水分子及少量的有益礦物質通過。當自來水進入RO淨水器後,在原水端加壓使純淨的水分子穿透薄膜產生純水,同時將無法穿透的各種雜質及有害物質隨著濃縮廢水排放,以此形成「逆滲透」來過濾水質,打造乾淨可飲用的新鮮純淨水。


1. 淨化能力強


2. 穩定


3. 使用方便


Life Solutions 您的過濾及供系統專家

Life Solutions皇牌商用直立式水機H₂O Fresh是大型寫字樓的最佳選擇,不論熱水、冰水或溫水,均以逆滲透技術過濾再沸騰,再降溫至適當溫度,可安心飲用。系統預設自動消毒功能,定期以沸水消毒及排走儲水,確保水缸潔淨。

如要選購家用濾水方案,我們的 ULA 櫥下式逆滲透過濾系統亦適合任何廚房使用。ULA採用櫥下一體式設計,只需接駁自來水及去水喉,即可達到無與倫比的純淨效果。而且配備獨立水龍頭,使用方便直接,不論飲用、煮食,隨時都可取用安全純淨的飲用水。

有別於一般服務供應商及外判商,Life Solutions擁有自家的技術團隊,迅速應對各項技術疑難,嚴格控制服務品質,全天候提供專業服務,包括系統安裝、測試及維修保養。不論規模大小,我們都細心觀察及聆聽客戶需求,度身訂造最合適的過濾方案。若對選購RO水機或其他飲水機,以及在安裝保養上有任何疑問,歡迎聯絡我們,以了解更多!





  • 辦公室人數及規模:因每部飲水機都有不同的供水量,確定辦公室內的使用人數及飲水需求來選擇適合的機型,例如高容量的座地式水機供水量較高、佔用空間較大,較建議大型辦公室使用,中小型辦公室則可以考慮使用容量較小的飲水機
  • 預算:除了要考慮飲水機成本外,在選擇時更要考慮後續費用,市面上不同的服務供應商有不同收費模式,例如檢查及換芯逐次收費、更換零件費用另計等,選購及簽約時需要細心注意。
  • 功能:通常飲水機提供常溫、熱水、冰水,甚至有氣水等不同溫度的選項,建議事先確定對飲用水溫度要求,以選購適合的公司用飲水機;市面不少飲水機也備有許多功能,例如沸騰消毒、免觸式感應、節省塑膠瓶計算等,建議可諮詢專業顧問,讓供應商提供最切合需求的方案。


辦公室飲水機推薦Life Solutions 香港專業飲水機品牌

Life Solutions為多個國際知名淨水產品及飲水機品牌的中港澳地區獨家總代理,包括澳洲品牌BilliACUO賀眾牌等,所有產品均獲多個國際水質標準、節能標準等認證,服務逾3000間大型國際企業及酒店餐飲客戶,涵蓋辦公室、酒店餐飲、醫療及教育機構、國際機場等。

Life Solutions辦公室過濾式飲水機以及商用餐飲水機均採用不同過濾系統、專利UVC燈等技術,全方位保障水質純淨,安心飲用。

我們擁有自家的技術團隊,全天候提供一站式服務,無論是前期諮詢規劃、安裝,以及安裝後的定期保養服務,均由Life Solutions最專業的團隊進行;此外,我們更會在保用有效期內,為客戶提供免費維修服務,並提供24小時客戶服務熱線,確保能迅速應對各項技術疑難。









人體的酸平衡是由身體內部複雜的生理機制維持的。身體會自然調節體內的酸度,以保持正常的生理功能,單單透過飲用鹼性水並不能改變整體酸度。事實上,人體的酸平衡是非常精確且複雜的調節過程,單純依賴飲用鹼性水並不能對整體酸度產生明顯影響。根據《哈佛健康雜誌》文章解釋,胃酸的pH值為1.5 3.5,即使大量飲用鹼性水亦只能短暫提高胃酸的酸值,腎部亦會自動調節血液的酸度。此外,過度化的體內環境可能對健康產生負面影響。正常的酸平衡是身體健康運作的關鍵,過度化可能干擾正常的生理功能,導致不良的健康後果。因此,我們需要謹慎對待鹼性水的宣稱,並理解人體自身的調節機制。










  • 軟水:每公升中的碳酸鈣含量少於60毫克
  • 硬水:每公升中的碳酸鈣含量介乎60120毫克
  • 硬水:每公升中的碳酸鈣含量介乎120180毫克
  • 硬水:每公升中的碳酸鈣含量多於180毫克


















Life Solutions X The Arcane Collective

对不起,此内容只适用于English。 For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

The Arcane Collective represents a small family of independent restaurants – Arcane, Cornerstone and Moxie; each distinct in its cuisine and personality, but aligned in principle.

In an effort to be as environmentally friendly as possible, they have decided to stop serving bottled water and have switched to a premium filtration system, using Life Solutions exclusively across all their venues.

Life Solutions is proud to provide The Arcane Collective with Clean and Healthy Water.

If you want more information about The Arcane Collective, visit their websites:


Video made by: 21 Visuals


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Why Life Solutions for your School?

Hygiene in schools is a top-priority concern in our society especially since COVID-19.
Water supply should therefore be handled by professionals and professionals only.

Life Solutions has the largest technical team in Hong Kong. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and intervene even during the holidays. We employ our own team of technicians and do not subcontract any work. Therefore, we can guarantee well-trained technicians who ensure the highest level of service, consistency and a quick response that your school can count on.

The key to Clean and Healthy Water is a well-maintained filter!

Maintenance is key. A dirty filter may end up providing you with worse quality water then having no filtration system at all! We take pride in our 5-star maintenance service that ensures your filtration system remains in top condition.

Plus, Life Solutions eliminates the administrative hassle associated with bottled water and ordering filter replacements, so your organization can focus solely on its purpose; educate the next generation.

With Life Solutions, you can be assured that your children and staff will have constant access to clean and healthy water!

You Can Safely Relay on Our Team of Technicians!

We aim to provide all our clients with Grade-A service in terms of consultation on products, competitive pricing, installation and, most importantly, maintenance. It is imperative that when using any filtration system, it is maintained properly by experienced technicians.

Life Solutions operates throughout Hong Kong, Macau and China and serve the corporate, domestic and hospitality sectors. Our 17 years in the industry provides us with unique experience and a strong track record. Our in-house technicians are able to tailor our services for each specific client. We continuously source the newest filtration technologies globally to ensure that we sustain the highest quality.



We therefore regularly update the range of systems we offer and only supply those that pass our own rigorous testing standards. Our in-house engineers can be consulted to ensure that each client is given the best solution for their specific requirements. Plus, we provide a FREE water test!


Once you have decided the best solution for you, Life Solutions’ skilled technicians will take care of the whole installation process.

Our professional staff will take care of all the technicalities involving site inspection, testing and coordinating installation.

Our client projects range from installing whole-building filtration solutions to under-sink domestic water filtration units, each receiving the same careful attention. Whether for a hotel, office, airport or home, our technical service team will test all systems in our workshop to ensure your water filtration solutions are meeting the highest standards before installation.
A trial run will be conducted after the installation to guarantee a properly operating system provides you with clean and healthy water.


The key to an effective filtration system is ensuring that it is effectively maintained.
Without it, filtration system may end up providing you with worse quality water than before. We take pride in our 5-star maintenance service that ensures your filtration system remains in top condition, and takes away the administrative hassle associated with bottled water and ordering filter replacements.

What distinguishes our Life Solutions services from other water filtration companies is that all of our technicians are trained in-house by our own experienced managers.

This takes away the headache of dealing with companies who outsource their technicians to 3rd parties and who may not have the same level of quality and accountability that we have. We also guarantee that all system repairs within Hong Kong will be fixed within 24 hours.

Our technicians are on call at all hours to ensure your peace of mind. Repair works are included under warranty and will be carried out within 24 hours of receiving the work order. We are also servicing on holidays.

Simply call or email us and one of our agent will connect with you right away!
(852) 2277 5665

For more information on our products please visit

Get Clean and Healthy Water for your School with Life Solutions!

Life Solutions X Waterlogic – WL7 water dispenser

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Life Solutions X Waterlogic – WL7 water dispenser

WL7 – Ideal for meeting all the hydration needs of the busiest workplaces

This advanced water purification system combines refined engineering and high-tech features in a robust and reliable machine. The WL7 Firewall ™ (WL7) can dispense a large volume of hot, ambient, cold, chilled and sparkling water. Ideal for meeting all the hydration needs of the busiest workplaces.

Designed to provide the best user experience in its class, the WL7 features a visually appealing screen interface connected to an intuitive water selector, which allows the user to easily choose between five types of water.

The WL7 water dispenser is :
• 99.999% COVID-secure
• 5 water options, including sparkling, from 1 machine
• Ice Bath instant water chilling
• Hands-free operation available
• Freestanding & countertop models

Why is WL7 the best in its category?
Dispenser for safe water – Firewall – The New Leading Technology

Our water cooler integrates with Firewall technology using patented microbiological ultraviolet rays that purify every drop of water at the point of distribution.

This technology has been proven to be 99.999% effective against COVID-19.

The WL7 system also includes the BioCote antimicrobial additive which protects the dispense area free from external contamination. In fact, BioCote reduces up to 86% of microbes within just 15 minutes and up to 99% in 2 hours!


The WL7 Firewall™ water dispenser has three core technologies which mean that what you get out of your machine is much better than what goes in:
1. Our filtration technology is really good at taking the bad stuff out and leaving the good stuff in. This stage removes chlorine and other water-borne tastes and odours.
2. Next the Firewall™ UV purification will wipe out impurities, cleansing the water up to 99.9999%. As an added layer of protection, the UV light keeps the dispensing nozzle from becoming contaminated.
3. We’ve got the inside covered and the outside too. As another layer of defense, BioCote® keeps the dispensing area free of bacteria.

What’s the difference between Firewall and other UVC technologies?

The key difference compared with other UVC technology is how Firewall purifies all the way through to the nozzle. Firewall obliterates germs just before the water reaches your glass and acts as a barrier to protect the nozzle, stopping bacteria and viruses from getting into the system and preventing the subsequent risk of cross-contamination between users.

One have to press of the button and the water is instantly purified up to 99.9999% bacteria-free. Firewall is also able to inactivate viruses and cysts and it’s guaranteed effective against the human form of COVID-19.

Firewall is designed for fast and comprehensive purification on demand. Its distinctive double-helix spiral allows water to flow from top to bottom and back, exposing the water to UVC radiation for longer than conventional UV solutions. The mirrored housing also amplifies the strength of the light for thorough germicidal action up to the point of delivery.

Firewall technology has been rigorously tested by a team of microbiologists from University of Arizona. The test results have demonstrated that Firewall is effective in inactivating the human form of COVID-19 by over 99.999%.

Hands free water dispensers – How does it work?
WL7 comes with a foot pedals system!

Finally, WL7 features a hands-free dispensing system using pedals. One pedal helps you select the type of water you want and the second one dispenses. Its very intuitive setup allows users a touchless contact with the dispenser ensuring safe water consumption throughout the day.

For more information or enquiries visit lifesolutions.com.hk or call us at (852)2277-5665.

Use Life Solutions for Clean and Healthy Water!